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Black and White

Using white oil paint scraped with a knife over black acrylic primed canvas, and a dash of colour in each. 
In these I am symbolising that moment when the focus of our attention is on one thing, and all the rest fades away.
It is also an exercise in restraint, using the minimum amount of paint to achieve the desired tones, and letting the black do its work.


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By scraping the paint thinly and using the canvas texture, tones appear. 
As always, I don't pre-draw but cut around the shapes in my mind, so the painting grows organically.


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The Singing Tree   61 x 153 cm                               SOLD
Adding a flash of colour brings the small King parrot into balance with the  much larger tree. A great sense of space and atmosphere.
Finalist Moreton Bay Region Art Awards 2019               

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Dawn Echoes     91 x 91 cm                       $850

As the sky here is very patterned, the tree can be just silhouetted against the trailing tinted clouds.         

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Glory on High      91 x 91 cm                    $850
The additional splash of glorious gold seizes attention and eclipses even such a powerful cloud formation.
Finalist Rotary Art Spectacular 2019
Finalist Members Exhibition RQAS 2023               

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Calm Before the Storm     51 x 51 cm                 $550
That moment when the storm pressure is building, and brightness lights up the hills for a fleeting moment
Finalist Lethbridge 20000  2019           

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Jewel Inlet          121 x 91 cm                           SOLD

Again a big sky but...that gorgeous glinting water

Finalist Splash Exhibition RQAS 2023           


Yes, I am working my way through the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, teal....

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